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    You're returning a boolean (True/False), not the number in negative form.

  • Default User Avatar

    Nope, the lines . . ;

    Test Passed: Value == z
    ... last argument - Expected: z, instead got: a

    . . . or . . .

    Test Passed: Value == c
    ... last argument - Expected: c, instead got: a

    result from distinct tests.

    Test Passed: Value == z
    Test Passed: Value == c

    . . . (which succeeded) are about last char of strings.

    ... last argument - Expected: z, instead got: a
    ... last argument - Expected: z, instead got: a

    . . . (which failed) are about last argument of arguments.

    eg, in :

    last( arg1, arg2, arg3, ..., arg99 )

    . . . last should return arg99 'cause it's the last argument.

    Hope it helps.
    ; )