Great Kata! Finally solved it, and my solution isn't that bad.
Have test.assertEquals(no5s(16384, 32768), 0, 'a = 82, b = 43') in JS version again.
test.assertEquals(no5s(16384, 32768), 0, 'a = 82, b = 43')
Task description states "Sometimes a line may be valid in one direction but not the other. Such a line is still considered valid." Need either to update description or to update tests.
Date issue, new Date() will give current date, but test expect year 2017. So how?
new Date()
Beautiful. I tried using regex bust I used .split instead and it doesn't work.
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Great Kata! Finally solved it, and my solution isn't that bad.
test.assertEquals(no5s(16384, 32768), 0, 'a = 82, b = 43')
in JS version again.Task description states "Sometimes a line may be valid in one direction but not the other. Such a line is still considered valid."
Need either to update description or to update tests.
Date issue,
new Date()
will give current date, but test expect year 2017. So how?Beautiful. I tried using regex bust I used
instead and it doesn't work.This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution