  • Custom User Avatar

    Description should be spell checked and some specs just written better.

  • Custom User Avatar

    I'd suggest modifying the description slightly, for clarity:

    For this challenge, we'd like to create a collection of generic types. Assume the following code is preloaded and available to you
    <implementation code>
    Your task: Given an initial implementation of the interface `IParser`, modify it such that the following code exectues without errors.
    <sample test code>

    Apart from that, this kata is essentially approvable imo.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Your hint suggests that it's possible - though not recommended - to change the provided classes.
    It is not clear from the description the provided classes are all part of the Preloaded section, and that only the interface itself can be adapted.
    I would clarify this in the description.

  • Custom User Avatar
    Expected: True
    But was:  False

    Random tests feedback is abyssmal. Can we get more feedback? The sample tests doesn't help either (there's only 1 example), and there's no specification as to what kind of url input will be presented.