it is my first approve, kick me if i did something wrong
finally i cracked it..
i think i've got the idea of the task (although i don't understand any single word in this language), but there are some problems with testing:
namespace Solution09 SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
wow, that was tricky
34 chars length also passed
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
i'm not sure that i've correctly prevent unwanted solutions, so feel free to crack it in any way
after several hours of torment, when my solution passed the test, i felt like the smartest man in a world, but when i saw other solutions i realized that i'm retarded. this kata will definitely go into the top 5 of my favorites
which methods/keywodrs are not banned in JS tests?
testing is very poor, to tell the truth i don't see how to expand it without duplicating the initiation a set of objects
fixed test cases are correct. limit is less than 29(or <=28), you are only one step away 8)
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it is my first approve, kick me if i did something wrong
finally i cracked it..
i think i've got the idea of the task (although i don't understand any single word in this language), but there are some problems with testing:
wow, that was tricky
34 chars length also passed
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
i'm not sure that i've correctly prevent unwanted solutions, so feel free to crack it in any way
after several hours of torment, when my solution passed the test, i felt like the smartest man in a world, but when i saw other solutions i realized that i'm retarded.
this kata will definitely go into the top 5 of my favorites
which methods/keywodrs are not banned in JS tests?
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
testing is very poor, to tell the truth i don't see how to expand it without duplicating the initiation a set of objects
test cases are correct. limit is less than 29(or <=28), you are only one step away 8)
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