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    I am having a lot of failing tests during final attempt (Python). For example,
    'pF@-`{vY=NlV#(#F<DF(G_gJFG]rT12320983' should equal 'p12320982F@1-26761748`{v93Y5=46000309NlV#(433847697#F<DF(G_gJ1FG]rT640000000010'
    ')m\\MJ@<@naY&}EI14142' should equal '14141)m\\4MJ@2535275<@na4771545Y&}EI6460000010'
    What the hell is going on?

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    I think, such solution is not optimal due to O(N) performance. You are converting all elements in list to int even if element is int.