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    Exactly! Pls, add possibility to set options listed below:

    (from my vimrc)

    set tabstop=4     " a hard TAB displays as 4 spaces 
    set shiftwidth=4  " when indenting with '>', use 4 spaces width
    set expandtab     " On pressing tab, insert spaces
    set softtabstop=4 " insert/del 4 spaces when hitting a TAB/BACKSPACE
    set shiftround    " round indent to multiple of 'shiftwidth'
  • Custom User Avatar
  • Custom User Avatar

    On the right side, where you score is, clan on "view profile" and than put the name of the clan there. You will then be in that clan.

  • Default User Avatar

    Thank you, <3!

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    Vim mode - spaces vs tabs indentation

    I'm having a problem with the code editor when I select to use Vim mode. It ends up mixing tabs with spaces which when doing python, ends up making the code un-runnable. Is there a setting I'm missing that would allow for the automatic conversion of tabs => spaces so I can avoid this issue?

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    Vim mode with Python mixes tabs & spaces

    Anyone else notice that Vim mode when working with Python has an issue with mixing tabs and spaces?
    (thereby making nearly useless, since having spaces mixed with tabs means you can't really run the code. you end up having to manually covert tabs <=> spaces before trying to run, which is really annoying)