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    I got that in the random tests (happens pretty rarely):

    '465 Millions, 001 Thousand, 7 Hundreds, 5 Tens, 2 Units' 
        should equal
    '465 Millions, 001 Thousands, 7 Hundreds, 5 Tens, 2 Units'

    either your solution is incorrect, or you have to specify that edge case (I personnally have no idea which one is correct english...)

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    Why the 002 Thousands thing? There is not point having those leading zeroes (except to make your solution "valid"? :/ )

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    A random test:

    '431 Millions, 001 Thousand, 2 Hundreds, 3 Tens, 0 Units' should equal '431 Millions, 001 Thousands, 2 Hundreds, 3 Tens, 0 Units'

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    An invalid input should return None

    It's not clear what "invalid" means here, and the input validation should be removed altogether.

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    Well... We already have several katas (some listed here) (but a bit more complex) covering that kind of task.

    Additionnal problems:

    • labels alignemnts are completely inconsistent with the ones of the columns
    • you don't give precise enough specifications, about the formatting (columns widths)
    • what's the point of the validation???
    • by comparing ZED's solution and mine, the validation isn't properly tested

    I'd advise you to read those, if not already done (to get a better idea about what has a chance or not to be welcomed in the beta process):
