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    Reported the same problem yesterday. But I say it again simple additional test case will do, e.g.:
    Assert.AreEqual(20000000001, Kata.NextBiggerNumber(12000000000));
    good solutions pass it in milliseconds and brute force will always time out.

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    next_permutation will never be not performant enough. But you can ban using next_permutation, prev_permutation and the # character (and compensate for the lack of # by including potentially useful headers like string and vector and probably even algorithm in preloaded). I can't immediately think of a way to bypass it; if there is some then it would be at least not too obvious.
    UPD And ban %: too.
    UPD Actually, it's still possible to use preprocessor even after this. So unstead of # and %: it's better to ban include and define.
    UPD It should work with either banning # and %: or include and efine but in either case possible line continuations inside tokens should be considered.

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    Can you make it so that the number and the scope of the random tests would make using std::next_permutation not performant enough?

    In case, go for it!