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    I'm happy I was able to solve it. Initially my modified 6x6 solution reached 50 sec on first hidden test on the Attempt. I found several enhancements and was able to make it even more efficient - 30 sec, lol. So, I had to completely rework solution, think about new algorithm and I've reached success. For those who stumbled I'd suggest study AC-3 algorithm. My graded attempt (all tests) took 1.7 sec. This 7x7 task took 2 weeks of my leisure time and I'll definitely take a break, or maybe not :)

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    This is something incredible!...
    I already forgot when I mobilized all my forces to solve a problem.
    At some moment, it became a matter of honor. My first achievement was when I got the first pass for test number 3 in 50 s. I ended up with a 1-second result for all tests in the attempt.
    It looks funny that I still haven't been able to solve the puzzle on a piece of paper, and after all I'm definitely not even going to try to learn how to do it. :)
    I don’t know whether it will be a good advice for those who stumbled at the beginning - I'd share that initially I solved the task with a bruteforce, so you can try it first. Of course it wasn't enough to fit in the timeframe for the test runs.

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    concize, but hard to understand, so it's clever as well as it's not a best practice

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    Nothing special. As it said - throwed exception is other then requested. I'll add that it violates CleanCode. So it is one of the apropriate solutions but defenitelly not a best practice.

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    this is 100% plagiarism of the top solution

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    this is wrong solution, i wonder how it has passed tests??? Cause k could be 2 than the max m could be almost a sqrt of integer max_value. Here we see just 300 as max m.

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    That could be passed only accidently. It will fail randomnumber test in most runs

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    r declaration is redundant in the first lines
    recursive invocation should be placed as a last operand in return to reach tail recursion

    i can mark it as clever,cause it simple, the simpler the better, but this is not the best practice