this is double pain for the user: it's perfectly possible to implement the parser so that it throws an exception when required, but without using a try/catch block to actually set the message (or using a regexp or whatever to check the input string. And same observation for the rollback method).
Thanks man!
Happy to hear that ^_^
There is a problem with random tests. There were some failing tests and then, when I tried to debug it, all tests were passing
I added the test case. Thank you!
Javascript translation
Description updated, Thank you :)
oh! my bad! I guess it's a little bit late to fix that typo, all solutions mill marked as invalid :/
Testing error's message will help especially for random tests, to make sure you're throwing the right exception
I updated the description
Didn't unserstand your point
I updated the description
I updated the description
I changed the version generator algorithm. thank you for your feedback :)
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