  • Custom User Avatar

    Probably, would be good to include some info about the difference.

  • Default User Avatar

    In output you can see expected:<[999]> but was:<[1.57]>.

    It should be expected:<[1.57]> but was:<[999]>.
    To achieve this you have to call assert like this:
    assertEquals("1.57", NthSeries.seriesSum(5)); -> assertEquals(expected, actual);

  • Custom User Avatar

    Argiment order is mixed up in asserts in Java version.

  • Default User Avatar

    The shortcuts written above does not work for me.
    I can submit the code if I press Ctrl+s in regular mode, but Ctrl+Enter simply does not work.
    In VIM mode to submit works :w.
    But none of shortcuts mentiond above or on buttons does seem to work.
    Could you please explain me, if I am doing something wrong, or the info is outdated?
    Thank you, in advance.
    Btw, I use Chrome on Windows, if it'll help.

  • Default User Avatar

    I've noticed two things solving this kata in Haskell:

    1. Accidentally I forgot to check 'w' and 'e' count equality, and my tests passed. (Also, as a consern about profit of random testing)
    2. Some times I've recieved error about timeout or unknown failure reason (sorry, I don't remember the actual error message). Not shure if it is connected with tests or, may be, server load.
  • Default User Avatar

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