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    I don't know about the other five katas since I'm new here, but I enjoyed it. The explanation was clear, and the example made sense to me.

    I'm not sure how you would know there are kata that preceeded your kata, but perhaps there's a search function or something. (Going to check now!)

    Anyway, thanks!

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    I think I could "spice it up" a bit, but that would invalidate about 40 existing solutions. Should I care? ;-)

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    I think I could "spice it up" a bit, but that would invalidate about 40 existing solutions. Should I care? ;-)

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    I didn't really get this at first either. The way I'd describe it is: "Remove every second character from the initial string and append these removed characters to the end of the string. Do this n times", although I'm not sure if that's clearer.

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    Hi, @bentrevett. Welcome to our community. Perhaps it's your first kata. It's very important to have people that publish katas. But Unnamed is right. At the moment we have five katas almost equal about the Collatz Conjeture. Try to make something of your own creation, original. We encourage you to do so. If you need help with the random tests we may give you a hand. Regards, Raul.

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