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    Agree - the description as it stands doesn't describe what actually needs to be done for the kata.

    Suggestions for description:

    1. Add something like "Define a function which, given a list of lists, returns True if those lists can be nested in any order following the rules described <above/below>"

    2. Remove "Sublists can be nested in either ascending (smallest to largest) or descending (largest to smallest) order." - this is factually untrue; sublists can be nested in any order, as per the tests and the examples.

    3. Make it clear whether lists must be nested in a unary fashion; if A can be nested in C and B can be nested in C, but A and B cannot be nested in one another, should I return True? I suspect not but the description is not clear.

    4. Consider reducing the number of examples. It's quite verbose and a little repetitive.

    5. Consider removing the other additional note about "strict nesting" - this information is redundant, the rules already define nesting such that equal minima or maxima are not allowed. If this disambiguation is important, consider instead incorporating it into the rules rather than as a reminder in a different part of the description.