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    ah ok, so we are preserving the total number of digits, not the total number of zeros. Gotcha!

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    No, foobar00999 => foobar01000 there should be 5 digits in both strings

    See the last example:

    foo099 -> foo100
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    so foobar00999 => foobar001000, not foobar01000 right?

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    Attention: If the number has leading zeros the amount of digits should be considered.

    You can print the input yourself, but in that case it was foobar00999

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    i believe there is an issue for one of the test cases here (ruby)

    Expected: "foobar01000", instead got: "foobar001000"

    if it expected "foobar01000" then the input should be "foobar0999"?
    using this as my input does indeed yield "foobar01000"
    did you add an extra "0" in this test case?