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    me too, lets be dumb friends

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    Not a kata issue, your function isn't returning the result. Please read this:

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    Hi @billthe1only and welcome to Codewars!

    The description says "the dish must start and end with the same letters as the animal's name."

    So you must compare the first and last letters of both the input strings. For example, "aoooooox" and "ammmx" are two strings which both start with a and end with x.

    Since you're working in Python, make sure you know how to access the first character in the string - beast[1][0] might not be doing what you want it to: if you print "abcd"[1][0] in your computer you'll see that it prints the letter b not the letter a since the index 1 corresponds to the second letter in the string.

    edit - just to explain the test behavior also:

    feast(iidufwhfqezmhkbugjfiifxixfeczd, ihstqcxpgkylryzlvhqywxe) here the first string begins with "i" and ends with "d". The second string begins with "i" but ends with "e" not "d". So your solution should return "False" for this particular test.

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    That's because you changed something else between that code and your current one, read this:

    If Alex gets 10 or more hoops, return the string "Great, now move on to tricks".

    The period is outside the quotes, so it doesn't belong to the string.

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    You're wrong. Remove the periods from your sentences. Not a kata issue.