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    In Java, there is 1000 tests with 2_000_000 <= n <= MAX_INT. How much time does such set of inputs runs on your local IDE?

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    Java. Same problem. Works fine in IntelliJ even with large numbers from tests such as (2007009836, 2075337295 etc) but times out when attempting on the site. Tried two solutions: for (was very fast in IntelliJ) and streams(was significantly slower compared to "for")

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    Expect large Inputs!

    Not a kata issue, your code is not fast enough with large inputs, which values are you using in your IDE?

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    I've tried like 3-4 variations of code that pass the test, but when attempting it times out each time. My solutions work in my IDE but seem to time out each time here. Have refreshed page, tried diffeent browsers, waited 24 hours, still times out when clicking "attempt".