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    It's a good kata but in case of javascript it depends way more on understanding how bignumber.js works than programming math logic.

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    Those are people who ususally check's google before writing solution :D

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    I don't know if im just not smart enough or my english is on insufficient level to correctly read this Kata.
    Just don't get confused with: "We will study the disease on a period of tm days".
    I wrote code in 3 minutes but it took me 2 hours to find that one problem :).

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    Shouldn't be that array final then ?

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    Okay my fault i didn't know that's not a kata issue. But what can be wrong ?

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    Guys please help me :D i don't know what to do....

    this is my output:

    Original Balance: 1000.00
    125 Market 125.45 Balance 874.55
    126 Hardware 34.95 Balance 839.60
    127 Video 7.45 Balance 832.15
    128 Book 14.32 Balance 817.83
    129 Gasoline 16.10 Balance 801.73
    Total expense 198.27
    Average expense 39.65

    There are two spaces between expense and number in last two lines. In my case tests contains "\r\n" at end of lines.
    Except last line, i have this done i even compared it with text compare and it was identical :D. Please help or i will
    kill myself xD.