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    Thanks!! Translation approved

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    Do you think I should raise it to 3kyu?

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    I think it's best if I remove it then.

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    Yeah, that's really weird. I tried running your solution and I couldn't get the print statements to work (except for the first one, for some reason. If I remove it, nothing is printed at all). I read the test cases and found nothing that may prevent a print statement from executing... not sure what's up.

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    True, it's quite strange... if I were to take a guess, I would assume this is a symptome of trying to print a dict of this size: while it's useful to see the example tests' ingredients to find the cause of any bugs, it's pretty much pointless on the performance tests, because there's too many ingredients to check.

    Actually, it's straight up counterproductive because print statements impact your performance: if I were you, I would remove print statements when I'm going for the submission rather than the example test cases. As stipulated in the kata description, example test cases should be enough to confirm your algorithm is correct, so you shouldn't need to "debug" performance tests.

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    tropical paradise, performance hell

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    In Python, if the user's solution modifies traffic, test cases break. In the tester code, pass a COPY of the list to the solution with traffic[:] to fix this.
    In the meantime, I managed to submit my solution by copying the traffic list like this: t = traffic[:] and using my copy to solve the problem.

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    I added a test that causes their solution to fail consistently (sorry mednoob blud)

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    True, thanks for the tip!

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    You're right, thank you for the pointer

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    No, they cannot: all ingredients have unique taste.

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    I couldn't increase the power of the dataset (my solution doesn't process it in time) but I increased the number of tests (especially of size 26^4)

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    True: done, and done.

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    Done, thank you very much for your contribute. I'm marking your issue as solved, since it appears I fixed all the problems you pointed out.

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