Basic Language Features
Conditional Statements
Control Flow
Data Types

Numpy but with half length array without Even numbers and array turned to boolean, and bitshifting >>1 instead of integer division //2 (not that it seems to make any real difference). All tests execute about 600-700ms quicker than the previous full array.

Added 300,000,000 test:
all tests pass within the 12000ms time limit.

Added 400,000,000 test:
Hash out 300M test before running.

Added 650,000,000 test:
Hash out all other tests prior to running!!!
Test may complete within the time limit if you are lucky!

solved the n = prime issue I was having added a test to make sure that if n is prime it's actually included.

  • import numpy as np
    def get_primes(n):  
        bpr = np.ones((n+1)//2,dtype=bool) #length (n+1)//2 array of boolean True values
        bpr[0] = False 
        v = 1 + int(n**0.5) #limit
        for i in range(3, v, 2):
            if bpr[i>>1]: # >>1 equivalent to //2
                bpr[(i*i)>>1::i] = False #"broadcasts" value into slice
        return [2] + list( 2* np.nonzero(bpr)[0] +1) #values from bool indices,modify,listify
    • import numpy as np
    • def get_primes(n):
    • bpr = np.ones(n)
    • bpr[:2] = bpr[4::2] = 0
    • v = 1 + int(n**0.5)
    • def get_primes(n):
    • bpr = np.ones((n+1)//2,dtype=bool) #length (n+1)//2 array of boolean True values
    • bpr[0] = False
    • v = 1 + int(n**0.5) #limit
    • for i in range(3, v, 2):
    • if bpr[i]:
    • bpr[i*i::i+i] = 0
    • return list(np.nonzero(bpr)[0])
    • if bpr[i>>1]: # >>1 equivalent to //2
    • bpr[(i*i)>>1::i] = False #"broadcasts" value into slice
    • return [2] + list( 2* np.nonzero(bpr)[0] +1) #values from bool indices,modify,listify
Basic Language Features
Conditional Statements
Control Flow
Data Types

Added a numpy array, saves 2000ms, don't know much about numpy so likely can be bettered
the list conversion seems costly.

  • import numpy as np
    def get_primes(n):    
        bpr = np.ones(n)
        bpr[:2] = bpr[4::2] = 0
        v = 1 + int(n**0.5)
        for i in range(3, v, 2):
            if bpr[i]:
                bpr[i*i::i+i] = 0 
        return list(np.nonzero(bpr)[0])
    • import numpy as np
    • def get_primes(n):
    • bpr = [0,1] * ((n+1)//2) + [0] * (1 - (1 * 1&n))
    • bpr[:3] = [0, 0, 1]
    • for i in range(3, 1+ int(n**0.5), 2):
    • bpr = np.ones(n)
    • bpr[:2] = bpr[4::2] = 0
    • v = 1 + int(n**0.5)
    • for i in range(3, v, 2):
    • if bpr[i]:
    • ipi, isq = i*2, i*i
    • bpr[isq::ipi] = [0] * (( n - isq)//ipi + 1)
    • return [2] + [i for i in range(3,n,2) if bpr[i]]
    • bpr[i*i::i+i] = 0
    • return list(np.nonzero(bpr)[0])
Basic Language Features
Conditional Statements
Control Flow
Data Types

How did I miss this?

  • def get_primes(n):    
        bpr = [0,1] * ((n+1)//2) + [0] * (1 - (1 * 1&n))
        bpr[:3] = [0, 0, 1]
        for i in range(3, 1+ int(n**0.5), 2):
            if bpr[i]:
                ipi, isq = i*2, i*i
                bpr[isq::ipi] = [0] * (( n - isq)//ipi + 1)
        return [2] + [i for i in range(3,n,2) if bpr[i]]
    • def get_primes(n):
    • bpr = [0,1] * ((n+1)//2) + [0] * (1 - (1 * 1&n))
    • bpr[:3] = [0, 0, 1]
    • for i in range(3, 1+ int(n**0.5), 2):
    • if bpr[i]:
    • ipi, isq = i*2, i*i
    • bpr[isq::ipi] = [0] * (( n - isq)//ipi + 1)
    • return [i for i, x in enumerate(bpr) if x]
    • return [2] + [i for i in range(3,n,2) if bpr[i]]
Data Types

Keeping that second if statement in the for loop seems expensive. I pulled it outside and added a pop.

  • def divisors(n):
        res, rev, v = [], [], 1+int(n**0.5)
        for i in range(1, v):
            x,r = divmod(n, i)
            if not r:
        if res[-1] == rev[-1]: 
        return res + rev[::-1]
    • def divisors(n):
    • res,rev,h=[],[],int(n**.5)
    • for d in range(1,h+1):
    • x,r = divmod(n,d)
    • if not r:
    • res.append(d)
    • if x!=d: rev.append(x)
    • return res+rev[::-1]
    • res, rev, v = [], [], 1+int(n**0.5)
    • for i in range(1, v):
    • x,r = divmod(n, i)
    • if not r:
    • res.append(i)
    • rev.append(x)
    • if res[-1] == rev[-1]:
    • rev.pop()
    • return res + rev[::-1]
Basic Language Features
Conditional Statements
Control Flow
Data Types

Not really done this Kumite thing before, I wrote this version of the sieve of erastothenes last year some time, it's pretty fast, though perhaps you can make it faster?

It's fairly straightforward at heart.
Takes a little longer initially but avoids repeatedly iterating over all the multiples of 2, dumps a calculated number of [0]s into the multiples starting from the square of the current number.
I tested it against a few different variants with the time module. I'd love to see how it can get faster.

  • def get_primes(n):    
        bpr = [0,1] * ((n+1)//2) + [0] * (1 - (1 * 1&n))
        bpr[:3] = [0, 0, 1]
        for i in range(3, 1+ int(n**0.5), 2):
            if bpr[i]:
                ipi, isq = i*2, i*i
                bpr[isq::ipi] = [0] * (( n - isq)//ipi + 1)
        return [i for i, x  in enumerate(bpr) if x]
    • def get_primes(n):
    • a = [1] * n
    • a[0] = a[1] = 0
    • for i in range(2, n):
    • if a[i]:
    • x, y = divmod(n - i**2, i)
    • a[i**2:n:i] = [0] * (x + bool(y))
    • return [i for i, x in enumerate(a) if x]
    • def get_primes(n):
    • bpr = [0,1] * ((n+1)//2) + [0] * (1 - (1 * 1&n))
    • bpr[:3] = [0, 0, 1]
    • for i in range(3, 1+ int(n**0.5), 2):
    • if bpr[i]:
    • ipi, isq = i*2, i*i
    • bpr[isq::ipi] = [0] * (( n - isq)//ipi + 1)
    • return [i for i, x in enumerate(bpr) if x]