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    Did you ever resolve this?

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    I think Clojure prefers dashes over underscore.

    java.io.FileNotFoundException: Could not locate kata/lowercase_count:refer/lowercase_count__init.class or kata/lowercase_count:refer/lowercase_count.clj on classpath. Please check that namespaces with dashes use underscores in the Clojure file name., compiling:(null:1:1)

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    I don't understand (recur ...) (yet!).

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    Thanks. It was just a suggestion not an issue. I've seen the same thing on other Katas and see what you mean by it being part of the game.

    Btw, this is when using Clojure which may have a little bit to do with it.

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    Which language?
    A suggestion or an issue?! It's not usual to expose the "Submit" part. In fact there are not very big numbers but a lot of tests. I understand the frustration; it is very often that the exposed tests are easy to pass and that the 'hidden' tests are subject to timing-out.
    It's a part of the rules of the game:-) Did you try to have the minimum number of loops? Inside one loop you can do many things... Good luck!

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    I think at least one of the tests with large numbers should be exposed to the user. This way they'll know if they have a slow performming solution ahead of submitting.

    It's a bit frustrating to see your solution pass the exposed tests but timeout on the internal ones.

    Just a suggestion.

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    The test cases have missplaced ')'.

    They should be:


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    I'm receiving this message. Is it saying there is no movies table in the database?

    Fetching movies from /tmp/movies.db
    There's just one table, called 'MOVIES'
    [] should equal [(u'MOVIES',)]

    The code I've submitted works locally. I've verified that the table is created and has the data.