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    Here is my result:

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    when you click the button, I record a srart time. after all tests(1500 random tests and a few fixed tests) finished, I record another time, and then end time - start time, finally I got a time value.

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    The reason? ;-)
    Because some "evil" user wrote memorizing programming code, which is not the way I want. It calculates the value of each year in the range(1000..275760) and stores them in an array. The whole process needs 3000-4000ms. Of course, if this kata is not a challenge edition, this is a valid solution.
    However, the solution I want should be able to quickly calculate each result. This is the significance of the challenge.
    Of course, if I increase the range of years, such a solution will be timeout. However, if I do this, I will hear some users complain that "the number of years is exceed the range of JS Date()!"
    So, my way is set a time limit 500ms to ban such solutions.

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    What do you do to the void case?

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    What do you do to the void case?

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    I'm getting this failure as well, if the pass/fail properties are not magicArrays then the chainable tests will fail, otherwise the getSplit test will fail. Any suggestions?

    EDIT: durr, just needed to define the method props as non-enumerable :)

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    Did you trip over enumerability of methods? Or do you have magicArrays that aren't arrays?