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    So the idea with this kata is to make a function that checks every word in a string and compares values by left and right, it should return a condensed string to its smallest form.
    case condense(2112 2112) it should look at the left and right to see if the first string last values are the same as the first values of the second string.
    so it would just return 2112 because 2112 ends with the same digits as 2112.
    case condense(love every one) it would look at love and see that it ends with e and look at every and see it starts with e so it would remove only one e and concatinate them togather to return loveveryone.

    below i will post a link to a youtuber by the name of A Daily Programer and he explains this problem very well.

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    Thanks so much for the feedback.
    To fix the problem I added 9 random tests that will pass in random strings.