Wut the heck is going on here?
the plan is as reliable as a Swiss watch
Nice one xD
Test cases doesn't consider these ones animals as you can see
alpaca, albatross, fly, llama... all with 2nd letter 'l' would return 'small'
This is bad because both of methods map and reduce are using together. And this will badly affect the performance of the code
Because its iterate through an array twice.On first iteration it square each number, on second iteration it sums all numbers.
In my opinion making function such as sum or square is also bad practice with JavaScript because you can use Math object or just normal + operator.
Anyway this solution is still valid and very easy to read so its good for me.Cheers!
are you seven?
If you are still active and are getting notifications, would you mind telling me why you think this is bad? Thank you :)
He's a level 3 kyu so maybe he was just having fun with it? I know that seems shocking but people have fun with codewars.
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This is fucking stupid.
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Wut the heck is going on here?
the plan is as reliable as a Swiss watch
Nice one xD
Test cases doesn't consider these ones animals as you can see
alpaca, albatross, fly, llama... all with 2nd letter 'l' would return 'small'
This is bad because both of methods map and reduce are using together. And this will badly affect the performance of the code
Because its iterate through an array twice.On first iteration it square each number, on second iteration it sums all numbers.
In my opinion making function such as sum or square is also bad practice with JavaScript because you can use Math object or just normal
operator.Anyway this solution is still valid and very easy to read so its good for me.Cheers!
are you seven?
If you are still active and are getting notifications, would you mind telling me why you think this is bad? Thank you :)
He's a level 3 kyu so maybe he was just having fun with it? I know that seems shocking but people have fun with codewars.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
This is fucking stupid.
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