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    I can't use Decimal. Right? This is not written in the instructions.

  • Custom User Avatar

    I don't understand. Why in first test case expected hex data in second int?

  • Default User Avatar

    It's ok now. My issue was in sorted function on the final dict. At first time misunderstood the task, and after i forgot about this detail. But it working only in Python 3.6. May be in this version have another way work with set. Who know about?

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    '(B : 364) - (D : 60) - (R : 225) - (X : 0)' should equal '(B : 364) - (R : 225) - (D : 60) - (X : 0)'. If i get a set{} stocklist like M = {"A", "B", "C", "W"} - it's not posible return equal order, because in python set is container consisting of unordered elements. Who knows what to do?

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    Thank you! Now it`s working!)

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