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    With "SACRAMENTARIANS" as the guessed word:

    • the 'S' in the final position matches the S in both potential solutions, thus the 'G' in the final spot
    • 2 A's in the guessed word but wrong position, thus 'Y', but the last 'A' is extra, so '-'
    • 1 of the R's in the guessed word matches the occurance in the potential solution but wrong position. The other 'R' is extra
    • same for T
    • 'E' and 'I' should be straightforward.
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    Yes, unless that letter is already accounted for in the guess, please see the special rule at the bottom of the kata description for the explanation.

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    Hi. The feedback for CAULK given the guess ALOED would be YY--- because of the misplaced A & L. Therefore, while guessing SHAKE would yield --YY- for the word CAULK, it fails to match the condition ALOED/Y----.

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    Pretty straight-forward kata. Haven't gotten close to timing out as others have mentioned though total time did fluctuate quite a bit up by up to 4x. I could've been lucky with the random tests.

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    Fun twist on a textbook problem. Thank you!

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    You may want to rethink how you process each word. To put it in perspective, though not many at this point, almost all passing solutions finished under 5 seconds, over half of which under 2!

    Good luck!

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    Because if it were valid, the feedback for SACRAMENTARIANS would've been different. Explaining further would be a spoiler, and figuring out why and coding it is typically the last step for solving this kata.

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    As a chess player I was really confused by this kata — Looking at the board, I instinctively thought we had to move the pawn down the board while king was also responding in an undefined manner. Am I correct to assume we are just promoting the pawn in place? If so, I recommend emphasizing that point.

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    I've moved the sample test word list out of preloaded into the visible code.

    Also added type hinting in the initial solution.

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    Thank you for the prompt resolution :)

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    TY for removing if it was actually submitted (though I pretty sure I double checked to make sure it wasn't posted)

    So I have to write a diff solution if I wanted to attempt a lower-level kata each time?

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    I used the solution but I don't think I submitted it. Or is it still visible even if the attempt passed?

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