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    I find it amusing that this is 3 kyu. I examined the log statements for a few minutes, and then I was enlightened. Seeing clearly is everything.

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    I just tried viewing the kata in Chrome, Firefox, Edge & Internet Explorer. The drawing is not viewable in any of them.

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    Very enjoyable kata, but I feel this should be 4 kyu in Rust. The requirement to support the shorthand notation with numbers pushes it into 4 kyu territory for me. As a beginner Rustacean, my solution was ~200 lines long and took several hours. On the other hand, my solution for the 5 kyu "Directions Reduction" kata in Rust is 35 lines long and took under an hour, which is similar to other 5 kyu katas I've done.

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    Sweet, it's working now. Thanks!

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    I am getting 2 bugs in your evaluation code: the first is the same as dinglemouse's error ("The peak of my roof (e.g. 'Your house') is misaligned for cribs 1 and 2 but fine for crib 3, even though my solution is correct for all."). But I'm also getting another where my crib is correct but it isn't passing the test. See a screenshot here: