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    Do you want that I put in the description the different returns of each languages? I thought the description could be as general as possible - kind of mathematical description - and that it was easy to see in the "Your tests cases" (BTW I see many katas without "Your test cases") the return form for each language. I noted in the description:

    Your task is to return to the function seven(m) (m integer >= 0) an array (or a pair, depending on the language) of numbers

    Isn't it sufficient? I'm not resistent to that but I thought it was not useful to make the description longer and to repeat in it the "Run tests". As for "issues" I don't see where it is described what issues are exactly and I understand that beginners post easily issues because they don't know what to do. Nevertheless thank for your post and I hope you would be kind enough to bring me more precisions and suggestions.

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    Problems with the description are issues, and the description should match the language.

    I'm not sure why you're so resistent to this; it's already in a code block, so this should be trivial to do.

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    Didn't you see the "Your test cases" in Python?

    Test.assert_equals(seven (1603), (7, 2))
    Test.assert_equals(seven (371), (35, 1))
    Test.assert_equals(seven (483), (42, 1))

    The form of the return is depending on the language (Python and Haskell want a tuple).

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    seven(371) should return [35, 1]
    seven(1603) should return [7, 2]
    seven(477557101) should return [28, 7]

    There it shows a list, but the question wants a tuple.

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    Read the description:

    Your task is to return to the function seven(m) (m integer >= 0) an array (or a pair, depending on the language) of numbers

    You can also see what is needed in "Your examples test cases".

    PS: Issues are for katas that don't work. Everything is not an issue. It can be "Suggestion" or "Question":-)

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    In the task example, it asks for a list, but the actual question requires a tuple. (Python)

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    Specify whether n should be inclusive please.