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    Not an issue ~~

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    Not an issue ~~ (it's always from left to right)

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Any idea what the solution is to this issue? Is it a testing issue? I'm having the same problem.

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    Bi-directional as in moving the cups left-right && right-left as opposed to one way? Not entirely sure what this means since I'm prety sure my code is correct but running into the same issues as other posters on the 2nd test when submiting.

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    I'm having this problem as well. My test in irb doesn't come back with any problems in terms of the split or adding the numbers up. is the 9th(ot whichever that fails) test the first tie? Because the tie in the three test cases work, I'm wondering if it's an issue with the string?

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    Probably when you split the input, you will run into problems with numbers with 2 digits or above, as they will all be split into single digits and mess up your final answer.

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    there are also example test cases which you can refer to

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    actual implementation and codewars kata can be very different things... in this kata you are asked to handle invalid errors.. also could you go a bit more in depth about "this kata is all sorts of broken"?

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    Only last case fails because the tests stop when their is an error. There are a total of 121 tests in this kata.
    The tests are fine I think, since I just tried the kata again and passed without any problem. So, I assume there is a bug in your code somewhere.

    The tests are poorly designed to not show the input values on which your function fails. But you can always use console.log inside your function to see what the input was when your function failed.