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    Two major problems:

    1. Sample test cases are all named Test2 (except for the one method named Test1) so they do not run.
    2. Input to function is int, but last two sample test cases pass a long, meaning they don't run
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    Sometimes it's "submission timeout," but once I get past that, all the tests pass but it says "process terminated (took greater than 6000ms)" or something like that. Testing n=max in visual studio, my solution indeed takes longer than 6 seconds to finish. My function is O(n), purely arithmetic.

    A suggestion for improvement: change the "n" parameter to ushort and thus restrict input to the bounds of a 16-bit unsigned integer.

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    I rewrote my algorithm to not even use any sort of data structure but rather use math to figure out the name, and it still times out. It passes more tests than before, but it still times out. The test cases are too restrictive on the solution and cause this Kata to be too close-ended.

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    Keeps timing out for me, when the code runs fine in Visual Studio. Not sure if the site's busy or a test case is faulty, but it won't work.

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    Don't know how to delete a solution; forgot to remove experimenting code from this one

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    The default solution code in C# is invalid code. It combines the class and method, which is obviously invalid. It should declare a public static class "Kata" with the method inside (and named in CapitalCamelCase according to C# conventions, and according to the test cases)

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    I guess the instructions were unclear as to the requirements of the split weight.

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