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    Good kata, just a few bugs to fix:

    • Instructions state the result string should be Player[i] wins!. The sample unit tests check for this format: Playeri wins!. The actual unit tests check for this format: Player i wins!.
    • Having both players set to attack : 0 causes an infinite loop. If you want this edge case to be part of the puzzle, the instructions should indicate how to deal with it.
    • Some unit tests that should end in mutual death expect a player to win. This is becuase you're testing == 0, rather than <= 0. Player health can be negative too.
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    Kata Description and Sample Test Cases are inconsistent with actual Test Cases - description / sample tests expect string of format "Player[i] wins!" to be returned unless there is a tie but actual tests expect string of format "Player [i] wins!" to be returned instead.

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    • Your solution will fall into dead loop when battleAlgorithim({ health: 27, attack: 0 },{ health: 27, attack: 0 })
    • either player has 0 or less health at the end of the turn But you test with == 0 && == 0