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    I am having the same problem, my code works perfectly fine in the terminal. Also, I notice that no matter which test case I choose to run, it only ever runs the Basic Tests, so I wonder if this is related. Otherwise, I liked this as a nice first exercise in code wars, most of the others I've attempted at 8kyu have been undoable for me because I never have any clue what they're asking. This felt apporpriate for the level: straight forward, yet a challenge for a newbie.

    Doing this in Python.

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    Hello, I keep on receiving the following error:

    Basic tests
    You are 4 years old.
    None should equal 'You are 4 years old.'

    The second line indicates the output from my code, and the third line is from the test cases. I am unsure what is incorrect as the output appears to match the intended test case. I am new to codewars and am rusty with Python so I apologize in advance for any careless mistakes