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    • crossover : Int -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list should be crossover : int list -> 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list * 'a list
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    I think it would be better if at least one detailed(with all iterations) solution was given in the description

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    -- Anticheat to avoid hard-coded solutions without having to generate random tests ...

    Nope. You'll have to write some random tests.

    Shouldn't the input size be enlarged too?

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    should NOT have a solution when starting outside the chessboard area

    Input validation is not mentioned, so why?

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    Thanks for Go translation :)

    I'd suggest adding more tests including random tests.
    For random tests, maybe looking at @g964's translations will be helpful.
    Ginkgo does spec permutation (for top level contexts), so you can also have something like this:

    var _ = Describe("0-Point Crossover", func() {
    var _ = Describe("1-Point Crossover", func() {
    var _ = Describe("2-Point Crossover", func() {
    var _ = Describe("3-Point Crossover", func() {
    var _ = Describe("N-Point Crossover", func() {

    And the order of execution will be shuffled, e.g., N-Point,2-Point,0-Point,1-Point,3-Point etc.