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    +1 to "too simple" (python)

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    There is a concept of lower camel case, and of upper camel case. Upper camel case is also known as Pascal case, but not exclusively known as Pascal case. Your own article that you linked indicates this in the top section of the document. This kata doesn't not specificy upper or lower, it just says "camel case", but specifically states that it should be upper if the original source was capitalized, and lower in all other cases.

    Some programming styles prefer camel case with the first letter capitalised, others not

    From your own wikipedia link. Your absolutist opinion that "camel case" is and only is the lower camel variant is just wrong.

    Some people and organizations, notably Microsoft, use the term camel case only for lower camel case. Pascal case means only upper camel case.

    Also from your article. You clearly are one of these people, but as you can see here, its not a universal opinion.

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    what are you bitching about here? Do you not understand the concept of lower vs upper camel case?