Did you know? At the moment you get 5 points per translation.
This will increase over 10 to maximum 15 points per translation. :-)
I think 15 points is after 30 or 35 translations...
Another hint: See in the description text in die translation-editor: There are areas especially for the specified language. For the next translation: If there are language-specific-areas you should add one for the new translation.
Write a comment at the Discourse-Area of the kata and post the link of this translation. This is the easiest way for the author to see the translation. :-)
That's not how standard sudoku works. Only rows, columns, and 3x3 regions need to follow the 1-9 rule. There are special forms of sudoku that require the diagonals to follow the 1-9 rule as well, but this is just standard sudoku.
You've disabled
and there's no example cases on non-castable type inputs ~~, which makes this kata frustrating (impossible) to debug !!!it's amazing solution and works if you understand how it works)))
Wish it was mine solution)))
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Description seems to be already fixed
makes sense.FluentCalculator
by itself can be thought of asFluentCalculator.zero.plus
Approved! Thanks a lot!
Did you know? At the moment you get 5 points per translation.
This will increase over 10 to maximum 15 points per translation. :-)
I think 15 points is after 30 or 35 translations...
You can see the count of your approved translations here: https://www.codewars.com/users/candrabeqx/site-events (at the last lines of the list at "Code snippet translation approved")
Translations are really good for the community and for getting points. :-)
Approved! :-)
Thanks for the translation.
Yeah, that is "normal". I do not unterstand the reasons, but at the moment it is the standard behaviour from codewars.
Very good. Thanks. Translation approved.
Another hint: See in the description text in die translation-editor: There are areas especially for the specified language. For the next translation: If there are language-specific-areas you should add one for the new translation.
For this translation I fixed/added this.
Thanks a lot for your translation!
Better, but not the best way. ;-)
Write a comment at the Discourse-Area of the kata and post the link of this translation. This is the easiest way for the author to see the translation. :-)
That's not how standard sudoku works. Only rows, columns, and 3x3 regions need to follow the 1-9 rule. There are special forms of sudoku that require the diagonals to follow the 1-9 rule as well, but this is just standard sudoku.
Fixed it! Thanks!
Edited the typo's, thanks!
Thanks, I fixed it by passing an Object! :D
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