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    It's broken in Java...

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    Thank you.
    Of course. That makes sense :-)

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    I'm trying Directions Reduction kata in C but I'm still new to this language.
    On this line:
    char** dirReduc(char** arr, int sz, int* lg)
    what is the "int* lg" for?
    And how do I return the array at the end?
    I'm creating a new array, allocating memory, placing the answers in the slots but when I return, the program's console tells me my array is empty.
    I tested this solution outside codewars and in seems to work.
    Thank you

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    I'm trying this kata in C but getting a bit frustrated.
    I can make it work in my computer but in the codewars tests I get this message:
    "The expression (as strings) (sact) == (expr) is false."
    What does this means?
    Thank you