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    You must call get for each morsecode part. so get("....") for "H", then get() for the "E", and so. only one sequence for one character is translated

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    I agree, the instructions should be more clear on this..

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    I have a question.

    For the example "HEY JUDE", the method decodeBits() should return "···· · −·−− ·−−− ··− −·· ·"?

    If I put
    public static String decodeBits(String bits) {
    return "....";
    and then run the test, the message is "Expected: is "HEY JUDE" but: was "H""

    If I put
    public static String decodeBits(String bits) {
    return "···· · −·−− ·−−− ··− −·· ·";
    and then run the test, the message is "Expected: is "HEY JUDE" but: was "null""

    But i see that the tests call both MorseCodeDecoder.decodeMorse AND MorseCodeDecoder.decodeBits


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    Look at the follow example:

    When the bag was equal = 125, in the line they remain [...,100,50]

    If to the person of 100dollars you give them 1bill-50dollars and 1bill-25dollars, you can given back to the last person
    But if to the person of 100dollars you give them 3bill-25dollars, you can't given back to the last person

    In conclusion, the priority of bills to give back was not defined

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    That such a bug does not exist !
    Always the person should receive as much money as possible.

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    Look at the follow example:

    Following your opinion... when the bag was equal = 125, in the line they remain [...,100,50]

    If to the person of 100dollars you give them 1bill-50dollars and 1bill-25dollars, you can given back to the last person
    But if to the person of 100dollars you give them 3bill-25dollars, you can't given back to the last person

    In conclusion, the priority of bills to give back was not defined

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    25 in
    50 in
    25 out
    50 in
    no 25 can be given back
    you should know: 50!= 25x2

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