You type a string of a list of numbers, and this method returns the highest int and the lowest int in the string.
public class ns {
public static String highAndLow(String numbers) {
String[] integerStrings = numbers.split(" ");
int[] integers = new int[integerStrings.length];
for (int i = 0; i < integers.length; i++){
integers[i] = Integer.parseInt(integerStrings[i]);
int maxValue = integers[0];
for(int y=1;y < integers.length;y++){
if(integers[y] > maxValue){
maxValue = integers[y];
int minValue = integers[0];
for(int q=1;q<integers.length;q++){
if(integers[q] < minValue){
minValue = integers[q];
String s = Integer.toString(maxValue);
String m = Integer.toString(minValue);
String r = s + " " + m;
return r;
public static void main(String args[]) {
System.out.println(highAndLow("13 48 19 20 24 12"));