I keep getting this error when running it, any idea why?
Server Execution Error: File Name Conflict: solution and preloaded Request Error: Request failed with status code 422 Please fix the issue and try again.
that's an error occurring frequently with cw itself, recently. It's independent from the Kata and you cannot do anything about it. You'll have to wait...
I keep getting this error when running it, any idea why?
Server Execution Error:
File Name Conflict: solution and preloaded
Request Error:
Request failed with status code 422
Please fix the issue and try again.
I encountered the same problem (with the some answer in Ruby), and hadn't a clue how to fix (circumvent) the problem in the test cases - because it is clear that the problem is there. While debugging, I put a p string as the first line in the method... and got the solution accepted. You might want to try that.
Do you have the problem with other Ruby versions as well?
It wasn't me the downvote... If they are testing for integers also, then the title, variable name (str), and the examples are misguiding; at least for Ruby. Thanks for helping :)
Why did I get a downvote for that? You get integers as arguments, not just string. Meaning you will get an error because reverse won't work on integers. You can test it in the example test cases. If you comment out the integers, it passes but with it in, it fails.
String functions such as reverse only work on strings and not on integers. You need to actually modify the str variable so that it can iterate over it and reverse it.
7kyu?? I must s*ck at coding...
again, this is not a kata issue.
I keep getting this error when running it, any idea why?
Server Execution Error: File Name Conflict: solution and preloaded Request Error: Request failed with status code 422 Please fix the issue and try again.
Thanks, I bumped into it last week, and I refactored the whole code, but still the same :(
that's an error occurring frequently with cw itself, recently. It's independent from the Kata and you cannot do anything about it. You'll have to wait...
I keep getting this error when running it, any idea why?
Server Execution Error:
File Name Conflict: solution and preloaded
Request Error:
Request failed with status code 422
Please fix the issue and try again.
It's the * operator e.g. 2 * 3 = 6
Find out more about this solution by inspecting: https://apidock.com/ruby/Enumerable/reduce
What is the (:*) called? I'd like to learn about it. Thanks.
Not an issue.
Looks like an old CW issue that has been fixed.
I encountered the same problem (with the some answer in Ruby), and hadn't a clue how to fix (circumvent) the problem in the test cases - because it is clear that the problem is there. While debugging, I put a
p string
as the first line in the method... and got the solution accepted. You might want to try that.Do you have the problem with other Ruby versions as well?
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
It wasn't me the downvote... If they are testing for integers also, then the title, variable name (str), and the examples are misguiding; at least for Ruby. Thanks for helping :)
Why did I get a downvote for that? You get integers as arguments, not just string. Meaning you will get an error because reverse won't work on integers. You can test it in the example test cases. If you comment out the integers, it passes but with it in, it fails.
String functions such as reverse only work on strings and not on integers. You need to actually modify the str variable so that it can iterate over it and reverse it.
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