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    I specifically chose my language to not be hostile...

    And you got my upvote for that. And for having been downvoted by the mob. My votes do not go to those I agree with. My upvote goes to you for your bipartisanship.

    People should not lose honor for stating their opinion. To exaggerate/blow that up - one should not go to jail for criticizing the government. Up and down votes cannot be agree and disagree buttons.

    And realistically, it's not a big deal anyway.

    I think that is what is wrong with the world.

    People have an expectation, they feel that their expectation is right and anything that breaks against it is wrong. "Instructions are terrible". No. No. No. No. This cannot be how we think of things that are different, it is not acceptable. This is far too much like religions excluding one another, racism, us and them, tribalism. It is a very scary way of thinking. It has no consequence here other than a bunch of undeserved notifications in @g964's notifications, but that way of thinking does not stay here. This is very bad.

    it's clear experienced warriors see no problem

    ^ This is what I'm replying to above all else. I don't see a problem. But I do see what others see to be a problem. And it is coming from not seeing the kata for what it is. And they attack that which they do not understand.

    As far as my suggestion goes, you and @g964 are light years ahead so I would trust your judgment regardless even if we disagree.

    There's a small number of 8-6 kyu folks who are certain that they are right! They are not wrong because they are low rank. They are wrong because they judge by emotion instead of by measurement.

    most warriors who struggled here are probably kicking themselves for taking too much time to solve a task

    They shouldn't assume that a low rank kata means that they should be able to solve it. That is something one determines by reading the kata - whether it is of interest, whether one has a plan for approaching it.
    A kata is also not designed to be a particular kyu. People might be used to ... idk math books where there is an idea of what one is supposed to be able to do.

    The reason why the description should stay the way it is, is because it is very much part of the design of the kata. That is the kata. The kata is not the thing that ends up in code.
    Unlike some mathier kata, it is still very relevant to programming because programming is so very much about changing perspective and transforming things.

    Ignore the kata's rank and judge it for itself. Are the instructions terrible? No. And you're tying your suggestion to rank so I think I have a good chance of having your agreement there if you for the sake of argument ignore the rank.
    It messes with people's expectations. Good. This is difficult to do.
    This upsets people. Good. They shouldn't be. This should be challenged. This is the kind of thing that should go into education for people of all ages.
    Is it a mess? Yup.
    Am I above these things? lolno I'm as big of an idiot as anyone, equally bad at understanding the other. Being aware of it does help.

    you're going to offend too

    Yes that post of mine is quite troll. Though it is also entirely accurate about how I feel what I see in the discussion for this kata. Whining specifically referrs to calling something bad when they're actually upset about something else that they do not wish to say. Disagree with something -> something must be bad.
    Whether the description should change or not is the least interesting thing going on here.

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    I see no problem with the instructions, no. But yes, of course it's harder.

    In elementary school math we are presented with problems written in text to practice figuring out the relevant facts. It is part of the problem! It doesn't make the instructions bad, trash, terrible, horrible or any other synonym to those things.

    There are a bunch of 5 kyu kata that I can't easily solve. That doesn't make me visit the discourse section to insult the instructions, upvoting everyone that agrees with me, downvoting everyone that doesn't. That's extremely concerning behaviour!

    P.S. Here, have an upvote to cover for the immediate downvote you got for daring to post here without complaining about the instructions.
    Yeah and there's my downvote, even as I comment on this behaviour. Makes one wonder if they're quite aware of themselves.

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    I have the pleasure to copy part of @natan answer (post below):

    There's nothing unclear about the facts presented. You all are just whining about having to change perspective on the problem. Considering different perspectives is healthy. This is required to approach many problems, this is required to understand other people. Not everything needs to be presented in the perspective that you happen to agree with.

    There are plenty of poorly written kata descriptions. This isn't one of them. This needs to stay exactly how it is, exactly because it goes against your way of thinking.

    Take a look at the solutions. They vary greatly! Could that be because everyone has to create their own view on the problem, because they cannot make a direct translation of the text in the description? That is a wonderful thing. That makes the description very successful.