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    Tests dont check for negative numbers in Javascript

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    Can we open this to Python 3? Sigh

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    Spent a few hours trying to figure out what I am doing wrong. Simple tests work but random tests I fail about 20. Heres an example:

    s = """<txG@<^F#H~H8MxsCYDpde4_SW"yER~]JwO_!g|OcxW$1^:KNRedl$r6l/:=JsiD+[R]bKVws=Op!v"?%9|Tn<7@,{q;r>d:sZH)"""
    b91encode(s) # => _4J>StI@i5oLyF.Th)8=+!tB9!#/`l$e$+Kz<}c6~%DsV@(rcJJ>yZ=?Y3JU@7bjoME3J<b5*KN.6xTP6zT1B1Zpc%nVRQxp1|+Zh|4@53bA$j]nazsFGp.6&5U
    # It should be:   _4J>StI@i5oLyF.Th)8=+!tB9!#/`l$e$+Kz<}c6~%DsV@(rcJJ>yZ=?Y3JU@7bjoME3J<b5*KN.6xTP6zT1B1Zpc%nVRQxp1|+Zh|4@53d">!|$7+)vwUl:>cK

    It seems to be the same bug... I am not making my solution using bit shifts as I want to understand it first...
    Any suggestions would be great!

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    I'm having this same issue (I think) as I pass all tests and random tests except when there is a backtick. I don't quite understand the problem? Could someone ellaborate?

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    I'm passing lal tests except random I am assuming due to encoding issues? I tried debugging by printing the fp but nothing comes up except on the hard coded examples.

    Could you please open to python3

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    I enjoyed working on this but there was a few questions I had which are still unanswered after passing all the tests.

    1 - When you say you want to return an object that was most recent or unique do you mean a NEW object with the specified args or a REFERENCE to the older object?
    2 - I initially tried using the globals lookup table and it worked in my local testing (same as the sample tests) but didnt work on CW testing suite. This would obviously only work if all of the objects had been instansiated and set to a variable, not just mindlessly made then never used. However the sample tests don't refelect the need for a difference. For example if we just make a load of ExampleClass's but never save them to a variable does this count as being created? I assume so?

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    What modification? What else do you suggest there is to do? I have implemented eveything you have said.

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    Awesome thanks, I wouldnt have gone with star as that makes me think of staring a challenge much like a github repo rather than a bookmark. Does the job though!

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    In the stats section of my profile I can see achivements (165) but what are they? It would be good to have these as badges or something to look through as I have no idea what they are and are kind of pointless right now

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    Is it possible to add a kata to a 'do later' or favorites? I often have multiple tabs of kata that I find intresting in different languages that I work on side by side. This could tie into a training plan and add suggested ones based off of your selections.

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    R version needs sample tests implementing... actual and expected are not provided in the sample tests.

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    Sure, I'll add some hints regarding the tasty surprises. Do you agree with the level of 7 kyu?

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