if it's possible, i wannan see the node function, becuase i can't find out why everytime i value the node and then the rest are all the value i set at first.
in fact ,this kata is very good for me to understand the list, however at first I don't know what's the meaning of the head and the tail function.
After I try a lot of times, I finally got it.
Nice little kata :)
I think there is something wrong in js test.
e.g. Testing: [0, 1, 0, 1] should be 5,however in test it says should be 10.
I'm done [0,56,12,66,99] , but it's timeout
thinking a lot in it. I think it should be use recursive , however timeout T^T
It's so difficult for me to throw an error..
maybe you include zero
I don't know how to replace "/"
I don’t know how to process with with horizon.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
I don't understand why I am timeout
the same problem
if it's possible, i wannan see the node function, becuase i can't find out why everytime i value the node and then the rest are all the value i set at first.
in fact ,this kata is very good for me to understand the list, however at first I don't know what's the meaning of the head and the tail function.
After I try a lot of times, I finally got it.