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    Thanks everyone for the feedback and @ZozoFouchtra for the fix. I changed the instruction to rounding up to a full second which was the original idea.

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    1º You should specify that the output must follow this format HH:MM:SS
    2º You don't mention that the average time should be rounded
    3º There's no test case
    4º There's only one final test case. There should be more.

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    Oh, and random tests - your Kata will definitely need at least 100 of these.

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    Oh, and it turns out that the average number of seconds that each student has taken to complete the test isn't a whole number. And the Kata Description never mentions what should be done in that case (round up? round down? round off? throw an Error?)

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    ... where do I even start here?

    @chilif, perhaps you should ask yourself this question: Would you test your production code with only one, I repeat, ONE, fixed assertion?! This is beyond ridiculous!!! Or put it another way - would you use another developer's code if all they did to test that their code works is by using only ONE fixed assertion?!

    Please, increase the number of unique, distinct fixed assertions to at least 20 including any possible edge assertions. The "code coverage" (if I can actually call it that) of this Kata is straight up pathetic.

    To illustrate my point, here is one solution I used to pass the "tests" (and I won't even bother to mark it as a spoiler):

    const speedTest = _ => '00:52:43'; // *major facepalm*
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    Please add example tests and more tests in general. One is not enough.