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    In addition to what laoris said JavaScript does not use the Indian Calendar natively. So if you are writing your own tests using values from the web sites calendar rather than the day JavaScript returns you will never pass the tests with an Indian calndar driven test.
    The values I use in the hard-coded tests use the values JavaScript returns by default, therefor it doesn't matter which country you are doing the Kata from as JavaScript sticks to it's native clendar type and always return the same day for a date no matter where you are (unless you intentionally convert it).

    The idea of the Kata is to get the person to deal with the JavaScript quirks which turn the 72 into 1972 unless you do what you have to do to pass the Kata.

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    The point of this kata is to deal with first-century dates. So when a test says year "72", it doesn't mean 1972.