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    Size of huge tests for Rust has been slightly reduced. I will mark the issue as resolved, and I would kindly ask you if your solution passes consistently now.

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    I'm the author of the translation. I tried to adjust the tests trying to have similar execution times using similar solutions in other languages, but this is not perfect science and it's hard to have something balanced. It's possible big tests are too tough and don't allow some legit logarithmic solutions to pass, which is, IMO, not the purpose of this kata. I published another version reducing the size of the big tests (passing from ~80k points to ~50 k points) and your solution is now always passing apparently (at least the one I have tried, which is I guess the last one you have intended to use). The new fork is there, in case someone feels like approving it:

    Thanks for your feedback.

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    Still, I would believe you are missing something in your solution because Rust full test suite with reference solution run very consistently with times between 5.5 and 6 seconds.

    As far as I can read Rust, huge tests is 5 cases with ~800k points each. Maybe you still need to shave off some time wasted for unnecessary calculations, somewhere?

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    Yes I know and for new katas I have changed my mind. Many C++ katas are written as classes...