The definition for Goose is not correct, the method with out body seems like definition for interface.
public class Goose
string Honk();
void Fly();
I just return string.Empty,and get the error info.
Expected string length 0 but was 22. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: <string.Empty>
But was: "Ths wbst s fr lsrs LL!"
So ,you mistaken the expected and acucal,pls double check your test code.
Expected string length 29 but was 31. Strings differ at index 13.
Expected: "I like Cheese-Milk-Chocolate!"
But was: "I like Cheese, Milk, Chocolate!"
Expected string length 33 but was 31. Strings differ at index 13.
Expected: "I like Cheese???Milk???Chocolate!"
But was: "I like Cheese, Milk, Chocolate!"
I have no idea about the Assert.
I just give you an example,and i have tested the example with the solution provided by the others who submit successfully.
the output should be: 3,c,love,2,b,world,1,a,hello
however,the first solution I find provided by SteffenVogel_79
just output this: 3,c,love,2,b,world,System.Object[]
The definition for Goose is not correct, the method with out body seems like definition for interface.
public class Goose
string Honk();
void Fly();
yes,pls fix the bug in test case.
I just return string.Empty,and get the error info.
Expected string length 0 but was 22. Strings differ at index 0.
Expected: <string.Empty>
But was: "Ths wbst s fr lsrs LL!"
So ,you mistaken the expected and acucal,pls double check your test code.
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you have mistaken the expected and but was in C#:
Expected string length 29 but was 31. Strings differ at index 13.
Expected: "I like Cheese-Milk-Chocolate!"
But was: "I like Cheese, Milk, Chocolate!"
Expected string length 33 but was 31. Strings differ at index 13.
Expected: "I like Cheese???Milk???Chocolate!"
But was: "I like Cheese, Milk, Chocolate!"
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
I have no idea about the Assert.
I just give you an example,and i have tested the example with the solution provided by the others who submit successfully.
the output should be: 3,c,love,2,b,world,1,a,hello
however,the first solution I find provided by SteffenVogel_79
just output this: 3,c,love,2,b,world,System.Object[]
the test case is not enough,you should consider the array1's element could be another array,something like recursion
I have checked this test case,the wrong answer still can pass the test.
I hope you can fix the bug in the test case as soon as possible
yes,it is a test case for c#
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This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
the test case,should involve the space character
can you tell me the origin string for this case?
i checked @"1
their length is 3,not 2
so,what's the origin string for that?
string s = @"1
bool flag = Digit(s);
when i try to submit,i can not pass a case
Expected: False
But was: True
I think the case is @"1
i test ,i get false;
while your test system,get true?
where am i wrong?
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