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a nice tap!
This is cool I didn't know you could do that.
wtf so there is a pattern?!
According to the description, where is my money? 😉
Yes, you can chain as many as you like
wait what, we can make 2 if statement in one line???
this kata makes me feel bad :(
men i love using lambda ;)
Since every character in the string has to be touched, assuming 'n' refers to the size of 'aeiouAEIOU' -> 10
String comparison method:
vowel, equal frequencies: 5.5 checks
not a vowel: 10 checks, constant
Set, assuming underlying b-tree has minimal depth:
vowel, equal frequency: 1 * .1 + 2 * .2 + 3 + .4 + 4 * .3 = 2.9 checks
not a vowel: upper bound of 4 checks, lower bound 3 checks
Comparing: vowel 5.5 vs 2.9 -> ~1.90 faster for set
not a vowel: 10 vs 3 to 4 -> 3.33 to 2.5 times faster, in theory
Note: this is in theory, the python interpreter and execution environment could make this worse or better
Obviously as 'n' gets (not much) larger, the set is going to be faster. For n = 10, I would say tradeoff is speed versus speed of coding
Can someone please explain what is happening here?
And why the time complexity of this solution is O(n)?
wow, that's big brain
so good format function not use regular expression
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