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    Website bug.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Codewars is sometimes a little buggy. Your code works and submits perfectly to me. Refresh the page and that should do the trick, if not just come back later and see if it works. This is a website bug and not the Kata bug so do you mind replying to the comment and clicking the "resolved box". Cheers.

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    This code is python, not javascript. If it's the site and not the kata, where can I submit a ticket?

  • Custom User Avatar

    I don't know much JavaScript, but as far as I can see this code won't pass all tests.

    Doesn't seem like something issue related. And even if it is a real issue, it sounds like it is the site that may have the problem, not the kata.

    PS: You should use a code box, makes your code easier to read.

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