Are you still mutating the input? Show your code, mark your post as having spoiler content. It's highly probable your code is wrong, not a kata problem.
Why would the random test case with -> Testing for [0, -3, 'pippi', 'a', 3, -6, 0, 0, 'y', 7, 0, 4, 'b', -4, False, 0, False, False, -8]
be equal to [] ?
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Don't mutate the input
Are you still mutating the input? Show your code, mark your post as having spoiler content. It's highly probable your code is wrong, not a kata problem.
Why is testing for [0, -3, -9, 5, 9, 7, 8, 6, 7, -10, -1] failing ?
Getting this error ->
It should work for random inputs too: [-3, -9, 5, 9, 7, 8, 6, 7, -10, -1, 0] should equal []
Can anyone pls tell.
Don't mutate the input
Why would the random test case with -> Testing for [0, -3, 'pippi', 'a', 3, -6, 0, 0, 'y', 7, 0, 4, 'b', -4, False, 0, False, False, -8]
be equal to [] ?