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    Is there a more complete Items array I'm missing? One of the tests is about "Cheese and Onion Crisps" being out of stock, but that isn't in the array given in the instructions. Are we supposed to add items to the array as we go?

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    Very good kata! A little trickier than I thought it would be and I learned a bit about python math and a diferent way of configuring a return statement. Thanks!

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    My code works fine except for the tests where it's supposed to throw a type error. I've tested the code in my IDE (PyScripter) with all the invalid data types I can think of and it always throws a type error there, but apparently it's not doing it in the kata tests. Is there something I'm missing? Is each invalid data type supposed to show a specific error message?

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    This kata was my first introduciton to using regex, and I feel like I fell down the rabbit hole a little bit. More challenging than I thought it would be. Thanks much!

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    This was a fun one. As a Tolkien nut, I wish there were more Middle Earth themed katas!

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    Same here with the python. I noticed 2 discrepancies:

    1. The instructions say it just needs to return one string, "Battle Result: Good triumphs over Evil". But in the test example window it has 2 strings, "Battle Result: Good triumphs over Evil" and "Good should win". My code passed the tests when I returned 1 string, but failed when I tried to return 2.
    2. The test examples window says "Good should win", but in the output page when I try to submit it, it says "Good should triumph", or something along those lines.
      I don't know if these are actually causing in error, they're just a couple things I noticed.