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    I think this Kata is easy. The rules are clear regarding whether a year is leap year or not. But I got this "'describe' is not defined" error. And I have no idea what that means or how to fix it. I did not use dscribe or test.describe since I don't know what that is.

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    I am doing this kata tonight. I am thinking about the same delemma - how to treat 1 because by the United State's defintion, the number 1 is not a prime number. Since it's not a prime number, and the problem specifically asks for returning divisors other than 1 and itself. So should I just return an empty list if the input is 1? Or is the author of this kata thinks that 1 is a prime. In some other countries, 1 is treated as a prime number (FYI).

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    Just submitted it!! My first submitted program. Cool.

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    How do I submit my codes? It passed the test; but the submit button is faded.

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    For Python, I first wrote one without the recursive method. It passed all the tests, but it gave me an error about memory. So then I switched my solution to the recursive method. It passed all the tests, but when I submitted it, it gave some error message. It ran fine in my own computer's command line interface with Python.